093 445 3968 - 0937 185 888 024 3201 8585 - 093 110 6865 info@anthy.vn Việt Nam English HomeSystemsRO SystemIndustrial RO systemResidential RO systemsDI water technologyElectric demineralization Systems (EDI)Mixed bed polisher - MBPWater Filtration SystemFactory water systemBuilding water systemIndustrial Softening SystemSoftener for cooling/chillerSoftener for boilerU/F SystemsChimical filtrationWastewater recyclingReuse of factory wastewaterReuse of leachate waste waterHousehold TreatmentLuxury optionSavings optionWater filter for breedingTreatment From Well Water SourceSurface water treatmentPartsIron, Manganese reduction mediaVIETFIL filtration media | Viet namFiltration media | USAFiltration media | RussiaActivated carbonTra Bac Activated CarbonNorit Activated carbonIon Exchange resin | TulsionPure saltChemical for cooling | chiller | boiler | RO | UFCooling Tower ChemicalsChiller ChemicalsRO ChemicalsBoiler ChemicalsFRP Filter TankMembrane RO | UF | MFRO MembranesINDIA RO MEMBRANESUltra filtration modulesHYDRAMEM UF MODULESUSA - PALL UF MODULESPOPULAR UFFilter cartridgesUSA - Filter cartridgesChina filter cartridgesAqua filter cartridgesRO, CARTRIDGE HOUSINGSHOUSINGUSA HOUSINGSMonitoring & testing instrumentsOnline water measuring InstrumentsTDS, CONDUCTIVITY, RESISTANCE MEASURING INSTRUMENTSINSTRUMENT SENSORPH / ORP CONTROLLERWater Pressure gaugesFLOW METERControl valves, dosing pumps, UV wholesWater control valvesManual valvesRunxin water control valvesClack control valvesUV STERILIZERSCHEMICAL DOSING PUMPSProjectsWater treatment solutionsChemical serviceMaintainance & RenovationEnvironment solutionLibraryVideo libraryCareer opportunitiesAbout usContact HomeSystemsRO SystemIndustrial RO systemResidential RO systemsDI water technologyElectric demineralization Systems (EDI)Mixed bed polisher - MBPWater Filtration SystemFactory water systemBuilding water systemIndustrial Softening SystemSoftener for cooling/chillerSoftener for boilerU/F SystemsChimical filtrationWastewater recyclingReuse of factory wastewaterReuse of leachate waste waterHousehold TreatmentLuxury optionSavings optionWater filter for breedingTreatment From Well Water SourceSurface water treatmentPartsIron, Manganese reduction mediaVIETFIL filtration media | Viet namFiltration media | USAFiltration media | RussiaActivated carbonTra Bac Activated CarbonNorit Activated carbonIon Exchange resin | TulsionPure saltChemical for cooling | chiller | boiler | RO | UFCooling Tower ChemicalsChiller ChemicalsRO ChemicalsBoiler ChemicalsFRP Filter TankMembrane RO | UF | MFRO MembranesINDIA RO MEMBRANESUltra filtration modulesHYDRAMEM UF MODULESUSA - PALL UF MODULESPOPULAR UFFilter cartridgesUSA - Filter cartridgesChina filter cartridgesAqua filter cartridgesRO, CARTRIDGE HOUSINGSHOUSINGUSA HOUSINGSMonitoring & testing instrumentsOnline water measuring InstrumentsTDS, CONDUCTIVITY, RESISTANCE MEASURING INSTRUMENTSINSTRUMENT SENSORPH / ORP CONTROLLERWater Pressure gaugesFLOW METERControl valves, dosing pumps, UV wholesWater control valvesManual valvesRunxin water control valvesClack control valvesUV STERILIZERSCHEMICAL DOSING PUMPSProjectsWater treatment solutionsChemical serviceMaintainance & RenovationEnvironment solutionLibraryVideo libraryCareer opportunitiesAbout usContact Home/Parts/Activated carbon Activated carbon Tra Bac Activated Carbon Coconut shell activated carbon Activated carbon Anthracite Anthracite Coal Other products Norit Activated carbon Activated carbon Tra Bac Activated Carbon Norit Activated carbon