
Iron, Manganese reduction media

Introduce: Anthy has over 10 years of experience as a wholesale provider of Water Filtration Media And Resin. Series product due Anthy supply line can address a variety of water treatment problems commonly found in ground and well water supplies. The range of premium filter media products provided by Anthy can solve a wide range of water treatment problems commonly found in groundwater and surface water sources. The filtration media offered by Anthy are selected from well-known suppliers to solve a wide range of treatment problems from the removal of iron complexes to water treatment requiring pH adjustment.
The most popular types of products.
- FeMAs;  AC;  Birm; Corosex; Geensand
Origin of the product.
- Vietnam, Russia, USA
Supply in Vietnam by Anthy Environment.
Value of goods and services: - Belonging to the top segment of high quality, long-life, high-quality goods.
- Provide products, technical advice, survey and system troubleshooting for customers.

VIETFIL filtration media | Viet nam
  • Filtration media FeMAs
  • Quartz sand premium
  • Quartz sand for water treatment
  • Mangan for water treatment
Filtration media | USA
  • Birm filter beads
  • Greensand filter beads
  • Corosex filter beads
  • Reduce iron, Manganese, raise pH.
Filtration media | Russia
  • Extremely high iron removal efficiency
  • Does not require reincarnation
  • Under the right conditions no maintenance chemicals are needed
  • Durable filter material with long life, wide temperature range