
RO & DI water system 3m³/hr - Chemical plant

  • 20/08/2021
  • Product: RO & DI system 3m³/hour

    Application: Supplying ultra-pure water for Chemical Plant

    Technology: Pretreatment including softening, RO System, EDI System, Mix-bed Polisher System.

    Finished products: Ultrapure water or DI water with capacity of 2m³/hour, Resistance: 18.25 MΩ/cm

    1. System capacity:

    • Pre-filtration system: Capacity 6m³/hour, finished water used for RO system, central cooling system
    • RO system: Capacity 3.5m³/hour, finished water reach  conductivity<10μS/cm
    • EDI system: Capacity 3m³/hour, finished water resistance > 15 MΩ/cm
    • Mix-bed Polisher system: Capacity 3m³/hour, finished water resistance > 18.25 MΩ/cm

    2. Product use:

    • Bac Tra activated carbon
    • Tulsion T42 Na  Water Softener (Thermax, India)
    • Microfilter cartridge Pall CLR 140
    • RO Membrane HM-4040-BWE (Hydramem, India)
    • Tulsion MB115 mix-bed beads (Thermax, India)

    3. Technical service

    • Check the system once/month, send reports to customers
    • Periodic maintenance and replacement of filter materials