

  • 29/07/2021
  • 1. The phenomenon of water contaminated with calcium and magnesium:

    Hard water is water naturally containing more than eight milligram equivalents of calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) cations per liter. Water containing a lot of Mg2 +   has a bitter taste. The total content of Ca2+  and Mg2+ ions characterizes the hardness of water. The hardness of natural water fluctuates greatly and is characteristically large in groundwater

    2. Effects of hard water:

    - In daily life:  Hard water is also not used to prepare medicine because it can cause precipitation to change the composition of the drug. When using hard water to cook vegetables, meat is difficult to cook; lose the taste of tea. Washing with hard water takes soap because Ca2+ precipitates the acid base in the soap and prevents the soap from foaming.

    - In industry:

    Hard Water Causing Scales In Heat Exchangers

    Hard water causes industrial equipment to lead to deposits on the surface of cooking equipment, reducing the coefficient of flow on the pipeline, gradually can cause great pressure that can cause equipment explosion.

    Especially hard water is not allowed to be used in boilers because when boiling hard water, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) will precipitate and adhere to the inside wall of the supde boiler (distillation pot, kettle, container. ..) forms an insulating residue film, reducing the heat transfer coefficient, sometimes even exploding the boiler.

    3. Hard water treatment solution at Anthy Environment

    Using Cation Tulsion T42Na - Thermax exchange beads to soften water, depending on how many ppm the hardness of the water source is, how much water is needed to design a suitable and efficient water softening system, save

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