

  • 29/07/2021
  • 1. The phenomenon of iron contamination of domestic water sources:

    Water Contaminated with Iron

    -Color: Iron-contaminated water is usually clear, when collected in the container for a period of time to contact the air, iron 2 (Fe2+) will transform into iron 3 (Fe3+) which precipitates to create a reddish-brown color.

    -Taste: Iron-contaminated water has a high iron 2 (Fe2+) content causing the water to have a fishy smell. It is possible to identify water with color or odor, but it is not possible to assess whether the water in use is of good quality or not with the organoleptic components, it is necessary to have test results for the indicators in the water source, depending on the purpose. purpose used to evaluate the water source pass or fail. Water used for domestic purposes assessed according to QCVN 02:2009/BYT; Water used for drinking purposes is assessed according to QCVN 01:2009/BYT [1][5].

    2. Harm of water contaminated with iron:

    - Iron dissolved in water is iron 2 (Fe2+) which will cause the water to have a very unpleasant fishy odor. When exposed to air, iron 2 (Fe2+) will transform into iron 3 (Fe3+), which precipitates to create a reddish-brown color that causes unsightly water, making clothes yellow, floors, and tools stained. sepia. Moreover, when water flows through the pipe, iron will deposit, causing rust and blockage in the pipe.
    - Water contaminated with iron will make food degrade, change color, taste; reduce the digestion and absorption of foods, cause indigestion, iron-contaminated water used to make tea will lose the taste of tea, iron-contaminated water used to cook rice makes rice gray

    3. Treatment plan at Anthy Environment:

    - Applying rain rigs so that the water source is exposed to a lot of oxygen, reducing the iron content in the water

    - Filter tank system: Gravel, sand, Manganese to bring iron content according to regulations of domestic water

    - Disinfect water source

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